Est-il préférable d'obtenir un hayon Plus d'un Sedan lors de l'achat d'une voiture?

Il ya beaucoup de facteurs qui une personne a besoin de prendre en compte lorsqu'ils envisagent l'achat d'une automobile: à partir de combien il va coûter à ses capacités de tenue de route et consommation de carburant, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns. Outre les prix, nombre de ces facteurs se rapportent à l' aspect technique des choses et sont, bien sûr, très important mais il ya d'autres facteurs qui doivent être considérés comme si on devrait acheter une voiture à hayon ou une berline.

For some people, deciding whether to purchase a hatchback or a sedan is very much influenced by the type of car their parents drove when they were growing up or even by the vehicle they took their driver's license in. In other words, they choose the type of car they are most familiar with. Then there are the 'gender spectacles' that men and women sometimes wear. Many guys prefer sedans because they perceive hatchbacks in general to be too girly looking, however, give them a sporty coupe that just happens to have a hatch at the back and they are fine with those. Women, on the other hand, tend to naturally gravitate towards hatch-backed automobiles and you will often see ladies zipping around town in these types of cars.

However, it is not just the cute look of the smaller economy hatchbacks that attracts women; there is a lot of logic behind their choice of automobile. For starters, it is a lot easier to manoeuvre in a hatch-backed vehicle because of their compactness and there is no trunk sticking out at the back which potentially makes it harder to park in small spaces, for instance. What is more, because hatchbacks often have a lighter body than certain sedans and many SUVs, they tend to be lighter on fuel. Some people will even go so far as to say that compact hatch-backed automobiles have less drag and are more streamlined which also contributes to lower fuel consumption.

In the past, hatchback cars were associated with the economy end of the market because they had smaller engines and few 'frills' and hence were usually cheaper than sedans. Nowadays, however, automobile manufacturers are making hatch-backed cars that rival sedans in terms of luxury and power and often even surpass the latter in terms of sportiness. Then again, even the bottom-of-the-range hatches tend to have power steering and airbags these days as well as extras like a low-fuel indicator light and a warning bell that chimes to remind the driver not to leave the lights on, hence there really is no longer any reason not to purchase a hatchback.

Then again, hatch-backed vehicles have one major advantage over sedans which the latter cannot match and that is the extra trunk space you get with a hatch because the rear seats of hatchbacks are designed to be flipped forward to make a flat loading bed. What is more, the space you get is both horizontal and vertical because it is not truncated by the rear window and trunk lid as in the case of a sedan.

For more information about a hatchback visit the website

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